Thursday 9 October 2014

Rain Water Harvesting- What – How – Cost?

Rainwater harvesting is the direct collection of rainwater to supplement some of our water needs.

Why rainwater harvesting?
Broadly rainwater can be harvested for two purposes Storing rainwater for ready use in containers above or below ground Charged into the soil for withdrawal later (groundwater recharging)

Rainwater harvesting is the accumulation and deposition of rainwater for reuse before it reaches the aquifer. Uses include water for garden, water for livestock, water for irrigation, and indoor heating for houses etc. In many places the water collected is just redirected to a deep pit with percolation. The harvested water can be used as drinking water as well as for storage and other purpose like irrigation.

Rainwater can be:

  Stored for direct use or to recharge the groundwater levels

  Channelized through a filter bed into an underground storage tank

  Used for flushing, washing utensils & clothes and even gardening

A 20,000 litres tank requires a one - time cost of less than Rs. 2,000 per flat and needs very little maintenance.

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Tuesday 7 October 2014

Water Conservation – How can you contribute?

With the below simple steps each one of us together can save several thousand liters of water per year.

1)    Fix leaking taps immediately
2)    To water your plants collect water from your roof
3)    Whilst shaving & brushing your teeth turn off the tap
4)    While shampooing your hair turn off the tap
5)    Cut down on the number of utensils to be washed
6)    Wash fruits and vegetables in a pan of water instead of running water from the tap
7)    Collect the water you use for rinsing fruits and vegetables, and then reuse it to water houseplants
8)    While washing hands, don't let the water run while you lather
9)    Soak utensilsin a sink basin or a large container instead of letting the water run while you scrape them clean
10)    Try to shorten your shower by a minute or two
11)    Upgrade older toilets with water efficient models.
12)    When cleaning out fish tanks, use the nutrient-rich water for your plants
13)    Don’t throw the accidentally dropped ice cubes but use them in a house plant instead
14)    Wash your pets and your car outdoors in an area of your lawn that needs water
15)    When you give your pet fresh water, don't throw the old water down the drain but use it to water your trees or shrubs
16)    Watering your lawn or garden in the morning or evening will help minimize evaporation, since the temperatures are cooler then
17)    Avoid watering your lawn on windy days when most of the water blows away or evaporates
18)    Adjust sprinklers such that water is not wasted. Also use sprinklers for large areas of grass. Small patches can be watered by hand to avoid wastage.

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Wednesday 24 September 2014

Why Search Water Purifier Based On Purification Technology?

Every Water Purifier has a Purification Technology as an integral part of its functional system. This Purification Technology’s function is to ensure that the end output through the water purifier is pure & safe water. But there is a catch to it. Read further to know what that is.

Every water type is different, whether a municipal, borewell, well water, mixed etc. Therefore, the purification technology needs to be APT for the type of water one gets. A doctor cannot prescribe a treatment or course of action unless a diagnosis of patient is done. Similarly, unless you know what is wrong with the water you drink, you cannot know how to treat it. Understanding and adopting, apt water treatment technology that would proficiently treat the impurities would give you pure and safe water to drink.

The procedure is not as complicated as it appears. But few of us get misled by advertisements. Now is the time! Open your eyes before it is late and someone in your family falls victim to waterborne diseases.

Water Consumer is not here to propagate a specific water purifier brand or a certain type of technology. We simply want to create awareness and facilitate understanding related to water purification for drinking purposes. Please ensure that your Water Purification Technology is RIGHT for the type of water you get. You can check it on Water Consumer web portal under the tab of My Drinking Water > Which water purification technology is right for me or click

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Is Your Drinking Water Safe?

Are you sure the water that you drink from your water purifier is pure & safe for drinking? Are your family members at risk of falling victims to water borne diseases?

Majority of our tap water comes from a combination of fresh water reservoirs, lakes, and rivers, and reclaimed and remediated waste water. Using a complex system of underground pipes, water treatment facilities and municipal utility companies deliver fresh, clean drinking water to thousands of homes. Even high tech filtration systems and advanced chemical treatments cannot eliminate impurity. By the time purified water travels from the treatment facility to your cup, it's gathered many of the contaminants like pathogens, disinfectant by-products, heavy metals, and other bad stuff.Contaminated water supplies cause many illnesses throughout the world. The most common waterborne diseases are Diarrhea, Cholera, Arsenicosis& Hepatitis.

Having a water purifier is not enough. Having the RIGHT water purifier is the key. What we mean by ‘Right’ is the Purification Technology within your water purifier needs to be right for the type of water you get. Visit to know which purification technology is Right for the water you get.

Monday 15 September 2014 - A Platform for Any Information Related to Safe Drinking Water

Water Consumer was born with the aim of clarifying all misperception, reservations and apprehensions consumers have with regards to obtaining potable water. The noble intention of Water Consumer is to be a one-stop destination for any information related to Safe Drinking Water. Below are some noble features of this vortal:

a) The type of water everyone gets is not the same. Therefore the Water Purification Technology needs to be apt for the type of water one gets.Water Consumer offers a Water Testing facility where a sample of the water from your home / office is collected & sent to a Govt. accrediated laboratory for testing. The reports would determine the quality of water with its TDS level and other minute details based on established published Standards by recognised Standard Setting Bodies of the Government.

b) Water Consumer offers a unique functionality of ‘Recommend the Right Water Purification Technology’. Databases of various Water Sources are mapped to various Zipcodes in India. And the instant end resultis the recommendation for the Water Purification Technology.

c) Users can Search and Compare within the various Water Purifiers available in the country.

d) Water Conusmer also allows Complaints or Testimonials to be posted by the users of the products.The Rating mechanism averages out the (+) and (-) rating appropriately.

WaterConsumer was founded by Healthy You Foundation, a registered not-for-profit consumer organisation to provide a neutral platform for all stakeholders to participate in an open consultative manner with the Policy Makers and the Governments committed to protect the health and safety of the consumers to promote sustainable development in association with CYBERKOMS DGtal a 360 degree Digital Marketing Agency.

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